Monday, February 6, 2012

The day before....

My assistant principal and I were talking about the conference tomorrow. I love working with people (like him) who are encouraging and seem to always want the best for others. He was encouraging about tomorrow, and even commented on how this would be good for my future career as well. I love that. I love when people aren't trying so hard to hold you onto one thing forever (like planning on me being at this school forever, doing exactly what I do right now). I may stay here the rest of my working career, and that would be ok. But if not, it is nice to hear people encourage you to spread your wings!!

Here are a few more resources I am finding today. I am spending the day updating our school's iPads, so I have the luxury of looking for more resources. This will of course help me tomorrow, but also here in my own library for weeks and months to come!

Mini Posters and so much more

Here are some websites that offer online games related to the library: (this site includes jeopardy and powerpoint activites)

I am going to hit the sack! I am tired, anxious, and excited!! I'll be back tomorrow (hopefully) to let you know how it went!

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