Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Moving on to third ........

2011-12 school year is over. I had the best year, working as a librarian in an elementary school. I made some great friends and met some amazing students. My principal was amazing. He gave me full reign on what I did, though I am sure he kept his eye on me!

With that all being said, I have decided to go back in the classroom. Back to third grade. Back to what I know and truly LOVE. I so miss having my very own class. I have been out of the classroom for 3 years, and I am so ready to go back.

I am also changing schools (but not districts), so I can teach third. Rollingwood is our neighborhood school, and thankfully I already know some great women there. I also just met our new custodian, and he happens to be the Dad of one of my favorite students from my last school. Small world!

Look for classroom posts, pictures, and questions!! If you have any advice for me, bring it on!! I am not too nervous, yet I know I have bunches to learn!

Happy End of the Summer!
